【Awaji Island 5 Murder】 Is it a delusion or a reality? I listened to the detective about the scary stories of "people targeted by collective stalkers"! 2015.03.14 【淡路島5人殺害】妄想か、現実か? 「集団ストーカーに狙われた人々」の怖~い話を探偵に聞いた! 2015.03.14


【Awaji Island 5 Murder】 Is it a delusion or a reality?
 I listened to the detective about the scary stories of "people targeted by collective stalkers"! 2015.03.14
Images are from "ANN News Official Site"

A 5-person stabbing incident in Sumoto-shi, Hyogo Prefecture on 9th. According to Hyogo Prefectural Police Department, Tatsuhiko Hirano (40) was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Akashi City, Hyogo Prefecture until 13 years, he said that he was diagnosed as "delusional disorder." Furthermore, on Twitter seen as a person of the person himself, having made the victims' real name and address unremittable, and had written a slander saying "I am doing stalking and electromagnetic wave crime thoroughly" Has become clear.

In order to clarify the truth of the case, it is urgent to conduct mental examinations to judge whether there was responsibility at the time of the crime. However, does Hirano suspect that there is a stalking act of organizational commodities in the first place? I asked Mr. Suzuno of "Comprehensive Detective Company Office Colosseum" that there are many opportunities to come in contact with people with severe delusions.

Suzuno "Every year in the spring, there are plenty of telephone calls for consultation that are being targeted by collective stalking or a secret society, but they are all talked about by delusions, there are many cases that are not decent conversation, Even if I am asked to do my work, I refuse most of them, I will accept it in the sense of saying that if the person's feelings calm down, by investigating dare to show the result, I will accept it. "

Mr. Suzuno, who has a willingness to help the client as much as possible, says that he is extremely difficult to solve problems. I listened to episodes with delusional disabilities that I had had before.

■ Female in her twenties dancing after being remotely controlled

Suzuno "There are frequent consultations on stalker damage at the detective office, but she has also been suffering from stalking acts and came to the office, sooner or later, she has taken measures against stalkers, , "I am remotely controlled by someone, so I want you to manage the mechanism being manipulated." And suddenly I got a daunting voice saying "ga" ... ... the person himself "Do not worry about it as usual," but it was horrible as it roughly shakes the body or rampages.The story that the stalker is done after all is just the paranoia of the person himself / herself did"

■ An old woman sticking a warning letter on the corridor at home
In case
Suzuno "When we received a request from a customer who called for a year, the content is" Someone invades while I am away from home, the position of my underwear that is stored in my dresser is changed In order to clarify the fact that there is not such a person, I put a hidden camera in the house and showed that image, it solved it by saying there are no people invading the room. Even now I remember that there was a warning letter on the side of the hallway connecting the entrance and the rooms, "I know your identity!" Bossiri was stuck on it, as it was a strange sight I remember it well. "

■ "Magic Camera" Showing Murderers

Suzuno "There was a man who developed a" magic camera "that can display the criminal in an unresolved case in my office at any time.An any case, I also offered a similar story to the criminal of the special investigation headquarters Yes, it seems I thought that we would listen to the story at all, instead of being totally opponent.The secret camera has a special function when you listen to it, such as a shutter for a bird Of course, the birds will disappear instantly, and of course such a camera can not exist and it is just a delusion, but without such a thing, it is possible to write handwritten instructions Reading the book and emphasizing how great the "magic camera" is unbelievable, no matter how much he talked about, it was not clear, the last decided to call parents, and from the mouth of the mother " Ah Was, it is said that another Desist ", he went and pulled up grudgingly."

According to Mr. Suzuno, these people are very ordinary people at first glance and talk about it even if they talk. However, it seems that it is different from ordinary people in that obsession is strongly abnormal, not thought in the head and reality are not connected.

Mr. Suzuno said that he had never encountered group stalkers while he continued his work as a detective for 12 years. From this we conclude that the story of being targeted by collective stalkers and secret societies is only a story that produced paranoia.

Furthermore, Mr. Suzuno says there are various episodes, but I will tell it to another opportunity.

■ Comprehensive Detective Company Office Colosseum
Detective company with many requests for repeater reviews of Tama area in Tokyo, especially Tachikawa · Tama · Hachioji.
Veteran researchers such as cheating surveys, milestones surveys, credit surveys, surveys, etc. hold down certain evidence.
Official site


【淡路島5人殺害】妄想か、現実か? 「集団ストーカーに狙われた人々」の怖~い話を探偵に聞いた! 2015.03.14









 事件の真相解明には、犯行時に責任能力があったかどうかを判断するためにも精神鑑定を行うことが急務だ。しかし、そもそも平野容疑者が主張する、組織ぐるみのストーキング行為などあるのだろうか? 被害妄想の激しい人々と接する機会が多いという、総合探偵社オフィスコロッサス」の鈴野さんに詳しく聞いた。











