The INBOUND? How to identify the city used for INBOUND.

The INBOUND? How to identify the city used for INBOUND.
First, the "heart feeling" is important with trading partners.
So, in an environment where similar people are easy to gather, crime is concentrated.
The analysis method is also important.



A New York citizen of the United States is said to be "a tribe who works after making other people laugh."
I do not do business with those who American jokes do not understand.
It is the New York citizens.
Very, similar to the Osaka citizens.
Since the way of thinking is most similar, it is recommended that partnership with New York City be recommended for sister cities.

アメリカ合衆国のNew York市民は、「他者を笑わせてから仕事をする部族」と言われてる。
それが、New York市民です。
考え方が、一番似ているので、姉妹都市には、New York市との提携がオススメでしょう。