【Warning】 "Common direct message reaching the brain" People suffering are rapidly increasing! Enlarging mystery phenomenon Level that the fear of "TI" is not finished with delusion! 【警告】「脳に届く共通のダイレクトメッセージ」に苦しむ人が急増中! 拡大する謎の現象「TI」の恐怖が妄想では済まされないレベル! 2017.11


【Warning】 "Common direct message reaching the brain"
People suffering are rapidly increasing!
 Enlarging mystery phenomenon
Level that the fear of "TI" is not finished with delusion!

In recent years, many people around the world are complaining that they have terrible experiences in social life.

■ What is TI (Target Individual)?

First of all, experienced people all report the same phenomenon.
Listening to the voice spoken to in the head, suffering from "torture using electricity and electromagnetic waves" is said to be subject to organized stalking from the government. They call themselves "TI (Targeted Individuals)".
TI_1.jpg Image image: From "Thinkstock"

This "TI" community exists not only in the UK and the United States but also in Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan and many countries. It is not already a group, it has expanded to the size to call "community".

In the video introduced this time, the state of the meeting of the UK TI community is photographed. Miles Johnston, the leader of the UK TI community, is a very ordinary elderly man at first glance. However, he sets up a small studio at home and sends out to TI people around the world from there. According to him, there are about 13 million viewers in his broadcast.

Also in California, USA, there is a news specialized radio station "Coast to Coast AM" based on conspiracy theory, and there are millions of listeners.

Also, TI's Facebook Forum and Support Group are also doing a variety of activities, including unfamiliar families and friends who do not want to hear their thoughts, mysterious black cars that reconnoit the vicinity of their home, conspiracy in the workplace Talk overnight, every day. In the expanding TI community there are people of all kinds, including engineers, soldiers, artists, lawyers and doctors.

The TI community in the United States is very active, conducting a campaign for fundraising, and trying to fight in courts and parliaments. As an example, TI believers in California state last year persuaded the city council to make a resolution of the ban on space weapons used for mind control. A similar movement is under way in Arizona.

UK TI (Sean, Keiren, Fiona from the left) Movie from "VICE"

In this video, British Fiona complaining of TI damage tells the interviewer that because someone is irradiated with electromagnetic waves, they have to continue moving the house.

She constantly carries heavy aprons and hats made of lead to avoid electromagnetic waves and aluminum foil covering the body. Recently I can not escape from irradiation of electromagnetic waves wherever I go, so it is said that they finally sleep in the room of the rented warehouse.

In addition, British keeleen Lee is the main member of the TI community, but sued that implants are embedded in the body. He took MRI to take out the implant, but the doctor said that his body was quite normal and was encouraged to see a psychiatrist.

In addition, a man named Sean reports that someone invaded her at home while he was out, hurt his dog, he broke the tile of his house a lot. And he also appeals that his body has implants.

Those who claim that the implant is embedded in the body like them also try to resect the meat by surgery to remove it. Fiona tells the doctor to have his finger opened to take out the microchip. And Kiyuren refused the operation by the doctor, so he opened his nape part by himself.
Targetedindividuals1.JPGTI Member image of the community from "YouTube"

■ TI as a social phenomenon

The TI community expanding since the simultaneous terrorist attacks in the United States is estimated to be more than 10,000 even though it is few estimates. This community is expanding by the Internet and is afraid of government monitoring.

According to psychiatrists, there are many patients who have delusional disorders and schizophrenia in this community people. Another expert is worried about forming thousands of people with spiritual problems together and forming a community that makes them realize their delusions as truth and it is a matter of concern that immeasurable risks Warn you that it is.

Dr. Lorain Sheridan, considered the sole researcher of a collective stalker, points out that they are at risk from other groups. Dr. Sheridan calls this "echo chamber" phenomenon. "Echo chamber" phenomenon refers to a phenomenon in which only members of the same opinion gather in a closed space, and that they resonate with each other while talking and they believe members are absolutely right. Dr. Sheridan, along with Dr. David James, a forensic psychologist, actually examined the 128 "stalker" case, but concluded that in all cases it was almost a delusion.

Factions also exist in the TI community. They believe in their "enemies", financial elites, aliens, freemasons, and some combinations thereof. But the most dominant theory in the TI community is the mind control test that the government is doing for world dominance. They think that MK Ultra (MK Ultra), a notorious program CIA conducted in the 1950s and 1960s, is still ongoing.
targetedindividuals2.JPG An anesthesiologist living in San Antonio John Hall claims that he is TI and advocates the government's mind control theory from "The New York Times"

The vast majority of people with psychosis do not rely on violence. Still, the study suggests that a small number of people experiencing psychosis, especially delusive thinking, may be in hostile / aggressive impulses.

As an example, Myron Mae, a prosecutor in New Mexico, left a video to claim that he was a TI, shot three people at Florida State University in 2014 and was shot dead by the police.

In the video he mentioned that he encountered a man with a mysterious black glasses imitating his behavior like a mirror when he went to a gas station, he said that he was a collective stalker It was. And after saying to the video that "I am quite normal like viewing", it is causing an incident.

Why are so many people claiming that they are TI and sue the same symptoms?

Many people in the TI community are thought to have an abnormality in the spirit, often abandoned by friends and family, and often lose their jobs and homes. However, in the Internet world, you can connect with many other people with such symptoms and be relieved that you are not lonely. For the TI people who came out on the video, letting others recognize the conspiracy theory they believe can even look like their life goal. It is easy to scare them for paranoia, but everyone of us has the potential to enter the TI community.
(Sentence = Koko Mihashi)

A Plea For Help Message From Targeted Individuals From "YouTube"

Reference: "UFO Sightings Hotspot", "The New York Times", etc.


【警告】「脳に届く共通のダイレクトメッセージ」に苦しむ人が急増中! 拡大する謎の現象「TI」の恐怖が妄想では済まされないレベル!





 まず、経験者はすべて同じ現象を報告する。頭の中で話しかけてくる声を聞き、「電気や電磁波を使った拷問」に苦しみ、政府からの組織化されたストーキングの対象となっているという。彼らは自分自身を「TI(Targeted Individuals、ターゲットにされた人)」と呼ぶ。




 米国カリフォルニア州にも、陰謀説に基づいたニュース専門のラジオ局「Coast to Coast AM」があり、数百万人のリスナーが存在する。

 また、TIのFacebookのフォーラムやサポートグループもさまざまな活動をしており、自分たちの考えを聞こうとしない不憫な 族や友人のこと、また自宅の付近を偵察する謎の黒い車や職場における陰謀を連日連夜、語り合う。拡大するTIコミュニティには、あらゆる職種の人が存在し、中にはエンジニア兵士芸術家、そして弁護士医者もいる。

 米国のTIコミュニティは非常にアクティブで、資金集めのキャンペーンを行い、裁判所や議会でも戦おうともしている。例として、昨年カリフォルニア州のTI信者たちがマインド・コントロールに使用されている宇宙兵器禁止の決議を起こすように市議を説得した。同じような運動は、 アリゾナ州でも進行中だ。


英国のTI(左からショーン、キーレン、フィオナ) 動画は「VICE」より






targetedindividuals1.JPGTIコミュニティのメンバー 画像は「YouTube」より





 TIコミュニティの中にも派閥が存在する。彼らは自分たちの「敵」として、金融エリート、宇宙人フリーメーソン、そしてそのいくつかの組み合わせを信じている。しかしTIコミュニティの中で最も有力な説は、世界的支配のために政府が行っているマインド・コントロールテストだ。1950年代と60年代にCIAが行った名高いプログラムである「MK Ultra(MKウルトラ)」が今なお継続中だと彼らは考えている。

targetedindividuals2.JPGサン・アントニオに住む麻酔科医のジョン・ホールは自分をTIと主張し、政府によるマインド・コントロール説を唱える 「The New York Times」の記事より





 TIコミュニティの人々の多くは精神に異常を来していると思われ、友人、 族から見放され、仕事や家を失うケースも多い。しかしインターネットの世界では、このような症状を持つ他の多くの人々とつながり、自分は孤独ではないと安堵できる。ビデオに出てきたTIの人々にとって、自分の信じる陰謀説をほかの人に認めさせることがまるで彼らの人生の目標のようにさえも見える。彼らをパラノイアとあざけるのは容易だが、私たちの誰もがTIコミュニティに入る可能性を秘めているのだ。


A Plea For Help Message From Targeted Individuals 動画は「YouTube」より

参考:「UFO Sightings Hotspot」、「The New York Times」、ほか