Why is the standard exceeding of radioactive cesium of soybeans and red beans continued 2012-12-19 21:16  なぜ大豆や小豆の放射性セシウムの基準超えが続くのか 2012-12-19 21:16 |


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Why is the standard exceeding of radioactive cesium of soybeans and red beans continued
2012-12-19 21:16 | Category: uncategorized

The score exceeding the standard of 100 Becquerel / Kg of rice rice brown rice seems to be overwhelmingly smaller this year than last year, but as shown in Table 1, the number of soybean still exceeding the reference value is increasing on the one hand.

I examined the reasons below. It will be a bit long, so it may be boring for outsider, but I would like the expert to read it until the end.
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Table 1. The horizontal axis shows each cabinet with a cesium concentration of 100 Becquerel / kg or more. The bar graphs are arranged in descending order of measured values. (Created from data of Fukushima Prefecture)

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Koi does not know whether all bags of soybean on the market are obliged. However, as compared with paddy rice, soybean has fewer measurements as of the difference so far, so it is not clear what the area over the reference value in the total planting area is now.

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However, compared to vegetables and root vegetables, etc., which almost never exceeded the reference value in the second year after the nuclear plant eruption, it is incomprehensible that as soybean exceeds the reference value frequently as shown in this table .
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Some samples may have soybean seed contamination due to careless handling of post harvest (after harvesting), but this fact may be raising new plant physiological problems.

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First of all, it is necessary to examine the following questions in the field survey.

1. Did these soybean farmers properly potassium fertilize?

2. Did only the special soybean variety exceed standards?

3. Is it due to the specificity of the soil in the area? Or is there a high correlation between soil radioactivity value and cesium value of soybean there?

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In the case of paddy rice, irrespective of the type of soil, occurrence of exceeding the reference value of brown rice almost by potassium fertilization is suppressed considerably this year. So basically it is whether there was soybean that exceeded the standard value despite applying potassium (K 2 0) at a concentration of 20 - 30 mg / 100 g soil, for example like rice plant. In case

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If soybeans exceeding the standard value are administered despite the potassium being adequately administered, simply considering, the root absorption of radioactive cesium of soybean can be confirmed by transporters other than potassium membrane transporters It is said that there are times when you are using it. Perhaps cesium may use the sodium transporter rather than the IA series potassium in the same periodic table of the same element.


Experiments on whether or not cesium absorption can be suppressed by applying a large amount of sodium are indispensable experiments. In case

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If this presumption is proved to be correct, excessive fertilization of sodium is undesirable in terms of fertilization design, so select soybean varieties which are difficult to absorb cesium from the cultivars of the whole country and select it and change it to it, absorb it It is necessary to take measures such as application of a large amount of inhibitor.

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As in the following article, bean curd (Azuki) which is the same legume family also exceeds the reference value. Both soybean and azuki beyond the standard value are facts which are highly suggestive in terms of plant nutrition.
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Because, as is well known, these legumes grow nodules containing rhizobium (Rhizobium) which fixes chisso (N 2) in the air to the roots. Although the relationship between nodulation and cesium absorption is unknown, possibly due to the high cesium absorption of the root nodules, cesium is absorbed via nodules, which translates into pods and the cesium content of soybean seeds increases It may be. In order to prove these experimentally, a clever approach will be necessary.
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Familiarly, pine trees and the like that mycorrhizal fungi (Mycolisa) are growing in the roots, the absorption of cesium from the soil contaminated with radioactive cesium increases radically and the possibility of heart contamination can not be ruled out. Since mycorrhizae are similar to mushrooms, it strongly suggests that there is a cesium accumulating effect. It may be predicted a bit ahead, but it is unexpected I felt like I was hitting this prediction. In case

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From Date's "soybean" 5 points New cesium over new standard

On the 11th, the prefecture said that 160-550 Becquerel of radioactive cesium per kilo was detected from 5 soybeans harvested at the former damage village in Date City, former Tomino village and above the new standard value of food (100 Becquerel per kilo) Announced.
Until the end of this month, the provisional standard value of soybeans (500 Becquerel per kilo) is applied for soybean, but the prefecture has adopted it by adopting the new standard value ahead of schedule, and the soybean of the former Himura, former Tomino village We asked for shipment self-restraint.
In addition to this, total 152 items of soybeans, autumn buckwheat and red beans tested for radioactive materials were below the new standard.
(December 12, 2012 Tomomi Fukushima News)

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Criteria super cesium at Azuki = Fukushima

Fukushima Prefecture announced on January 14 that 110 Becquerel of radioactive cesium was detected, exceeding the new standard of food (100 Becquerel per kilogram) from Azuki collected in Minami-Soma City old Oshima-mura area. Because it was before shipment, we requested refrained shipment. Azuki's request for refusal of shipment within the prefecture is said to be the first after nuclear accident. (2012/11 / 14-22: 08)

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(Mori Toshi)




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2012-12-19 21:16 | カテゴリ:未分類

表1.横軸はセシウム濃度 100ベクレル/kg以上 を検出した一軒一軒の農家。棒グラフは測定値の低い順番に並べてある。(福島県のデータより作成) 










水稲の場合は土壌の種類のいかんにかかわらず、ほぼカリウムの施肥で玄米の基準値超えの発生を、今年はかなり抑え込めている。だから基本は、カリウム(K2 O)を水稲のように たとえば20-30mg/100g土壌 の濃度で施肥したにもかかわらず、基準値超えした大豆があったのかどうかである。 














(2012年12月12日 福島民友ニュース)


