2016/12/12 12: 00 A man who saved the playing card from debt hell, Wilbur Roth 's life of the next Commerce Secretary Chase Peterson - Withorn, Forbes Staff  2016/12/10 12:00 トランプを借金地獄から救った男、ウィルバー・ロス次期商務長官の人生 Chase Peterson-Withorn , Forbes Staff

2016/12/12 12: 00
A man who saved the playing card from debt hell, Wilbur Roth 's life of the next Commerce Secretary

Chase Peterson - Withorn,

Forbes Staff


Writing about millionaires as a member of Forbes's asset team

Trump next president (left) and investor Wilbur Ross (right) photo by Drew Angerer / gettyimages
Donald Trump next US President (70) plans to nominate prominent investor Wilbur Ross (79), a close friend of many years, to the Commerce Secretary. In this article I would like to look back on the exchange of the two people over 25 years.

In April 1990, Trump opened his third casino resort "Trump Taj Mahal" in Atlantic City, New Jersey. It raised $ 675 million (about 77 billion yen) in high-risk junk bonds and the interest rate was 14%. Within a few months management became stalled and playing cards were forced to pay huge payments.

At that time, it was Ross who served as the creditors representative of the bankruptcy advisor team. Ross forced the bankruptcy of the casino and tried to rescue cards from debt. Ross was surprised at the popularity of playing cards at that time, witnessing the limousines riding a trump and the crowd swaying.

This is the bankruptcy transaction proposed by Ross. The cards let go of 50% of the holding of Taj Mahal, and in exchange it relaxes payment terms, and the casino management continues. After playing the same kind of transactions after that, the playing card went out of debt hell and returned to the list of Forbes 400.

Purchase son-in-law's son-in-law and Jehovah's Witness building

Ross established WL Ross & Co, a private equity firm in 2000 and is still involved in the operation, but management rights have been sold to investment company Invesco in 2006 for about $ 375 million (about 43 billion yen) in 2006. In 2013 Invesco partnered with samurai's son-in-law, Jared Kushner and others and bought five buildings of Brooklyn Jehovah's Witness at $ 240 million.

The assets in the trump are mostly real estate but also own shares. The May 2016 report holds Invesco shares from $ 250,000 to $ 500,000 (Trumps have said that they sold shares in June this year, but no evidence documents have been submitted).

Trump and Ross are also known as neighborhoods. They have a large mansion house across the road at Palm Beach, Florida and live nearby Manhattan 57th Street in New York soon. Ross' penthouse is in the place which went just two blocks from the trump tower.

There are concerns about some inner confrontation in the Trump regime, but there is always a lot of best friend and a millionaire loss near the highest commander. Does the deal that trump and Ross exchange will benefit the American people? Or will they inflate their own assets?

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トランプ次期大統領 (左)と投資家ウィルバー・ロス(右)photo by Drew Angerer / gettyimages






ロスは2000年にプライベートイクイティ企業WL Ross & Coを設立し現在も運営に関わるが、経営権は2006年に投資会社Invescoに約3億7,500万ドル(約430億円)で売り渡している。2013年にInvescoはトランプの娘婿のジャレッド・クシュナーらとパートナーシップを結び、2億4,000万ドルでブルックリンのエホバの証人の5つのビルを購入した。


