トランプ政権閣僚一覧 ← Search Word Trump regime cabinet minister list ← Search Word

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United States Presidential Adviser - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ United States Presidential Advisory Board

The United States Presidential Advisory Board (USA) is an administrative organization of the United States, consisting of ministers and ministerial-level senior officials. Usually, the United States Cabinet (American Cabinet of the United States), or simply ...
Summary · Minister · Ministerial-level senior official · Minister · Ministerial level senior official
Government member | NHK NEWS WEB


2019/02/14 - What people support the trump regime? Major of the administration ... In addition to taking over on national confidential information and diplomacy and security, we will select about 4,100 people, including ministers, presidential aide and ambassador, decided by "political appointment" system. Currently, ministerial personnel ...
List of trump regime members - 31 people who decide the future of the United States | BUSINESS ...


2017/01/22 - The Trump regime is said to be 3G - Goldman Sachs, Gazillionaires, General - but in fact, the White House, which is the center of the administration What is the staff and minister's face like ...
Trump regime minister list biography, face, policies - Trump regime and US stock investment


2016/12/13 - I will list the faces of Ministers of the Trump regime. After the inauguration of the administration in 17 years, managers and soldiers who are not experienced in public office came to ministers and personnel change was made (this article is updated from time to time after publication on December 13, 2016). Takashi Kawakami (Takushoku University Graduate School Professor) has four members of this team ...
President senior advisor: Jared ... · President of national security · Treasury secretary: Steven ...
Trump regime "Ministers and Important Post Person Records" (30) Presidential Chief of Staff Marbany ...

https://www.fsight.jp> Expert room> American room

2018/12/19 - President Donald Trumph appoints the Director General of the Administrative and Management Budget Office (OMB) of Mick · Mulburny as Delegation of the President 's Chief of Staff Aides on December 14, officially taking office in January 2019. Temporary occupation until President Cardo officially nominates the next presidential chief of staff ...
I accessed this page on February 22nd, 19th.
【Special Feature】 High-ranking officials who left trump regime 18 pictures International News: AFPBB News


2018/12/24 - 【24th December AFPBB News】 Since the establishment of the Donald Trump administration in January 2017, the dismissal of high officials and resignation have been successive.
Trump regime "Minister / Important Post Person Record" (29) Skinner Department of State Policy and Planning Director ...

https://www.fsight.jp> Expert room> American room

2018/11/22 - It is said that it is going to retreat several people such as ministers yet ... (C) AFP = current affairs 40. Kilon · Skinner Department of State Policy Bureau Director (57) Iran related A new specialized section "Iran Action G ...
List of people who quit in the trump regime - Full A Battle


2018/03/17 - List of people who quit in the Trump regime ... Ministers and their staff ... It is amazing that there are still substitute talent even if quitting only this (no praise); It is not good to update the blog just by updating here; it is not good because the ministers are rearranged in order of hierarchy.
Trump regime team's main story | JCC TV all


Secretary of State Michael Richard "Mike" Pence Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin Secretary of Defense James Matisse (James Mattis)
Trump regime commentary and features of ministers! What will happen to America?

https://tsunebo.com> Society / Economy / Money

President Cardpan who is somewhat talkative. The ministers of the administration were also decided. What is the characteristics and characteristics of this trump administration minister and what will happen to the United States in the future? I will verify. Director of the Trump Administration cabinet and features; Energy Minister Rick Perry, Director General of Environmental Protection Agency Scott · ...
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Trump minister roster

United States Ministerial rank

American Minister 2018

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American Minister Women

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Presidential Advisor

What is ministerial level?

Mike pence

Trump brain

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アメリカ合衆国大統領顧問団(アメリカがっしゅうこくだいとうりょうこもんだん)は、閣僚および閣僚級高官で構成されるアメリカ合衆国の行政府の組織。通常はアメリカ合衆国内閣(アメリカがっしゅうこくないかく、Cabinet of the United States)、または単に ...
2019/02/14 - トランプ政権を支えるのはどのような人たちか。政権の主要 ... 国家機密情報や外交・安全保障に関する引き継ぎのほか、「政治任用」の制度で決める閣僚や大統領の補佐官、それに大使などおよそ4100人の人選を行います。現在、閣僚人事 ...

トランプ政権の陣容一覧 —— アメリカの未来を決める31人 | BUSINESS ...


2017/01/22 - トランプ政権は3G——ゴールドマン・サックス(Goldman Sachs)、大金持ち(Gazillionaires)、将軍(General)——と言われていますが、実際、政権の中枢を担うホワイトハウスの上級スタッフおよび閣僚の顔ぶれとは、どのようなものなので ...

トランプ政権閣僚一覧 経歴、素顔、政策 - トランプ政権と米国株投資


2016/12/13 - トランプ政権閣僚の顔触れを一覧してみます。 17年の政権発足後、公職未経験の経営者や軍人などが閣僚入りし、人材の交代が行われました(本記事は2016/12/13に公開後、随時更新)。 川上高司(拓殖大大学院教授)は、この陣容を四 ...

トランプ政権「閣僚・重要ポスト人名録」(30)マルバニー大統領首席補佐官 ...


https://www.fsight.jp › 専門家の部屋 › アメリカの部屋
2018/12/19 - ドナルド・トランプ大統領は大統領首席補佐官代行としてミック・マルバニー行政管理予算局(OMB)局長を12月14日に指名し、2019年1月から正式に就任する。トランプ大統領が正式に次期大統領首席補佐官を指名するまで暫定的に在職する ...
19/02/22 にこのページにアクセスしました。

【特集】トランプ政権を去った高官たち 写真18枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News


2018/12/24 - 【12月24日 AFPBB News】2017年1月のドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump政権発足以降、高官の解任や辞任が相次いでいる。

トランプ政権「閣僚・重要ポスト人名録」(29)スキナー国務省政策立案局長 ...


https://www.fsight.jp › 専門家の部屋 › アメリカの部屋
2018/11/22 - まだこれから閣僚など複数人を後退させると言われているが……(C)AFP=時事 40. キロン・スキナー国務省政策立案局長(57) 国務省内に設置されたイラン関連の新たな専門部署である「イラン・アクション・グ…

トランプ政権で辞めた人一覧 - フル墨攻


2018/03/17 - トランプ政権で辞めた人一覧 ... 閣僚とそのスタッフ ... これだけ辞めてもまだ代わりの人材がいるのがすごい(褒めてない); 年末に人事をするなトランプ; ここを更新するだけでblog更新してる気になるのでよくない; 閣僚を序列順に一部並べ替え.



トランプ政権閣僚一覧と主な高官. <閣僚> 副大統領 マイク・ペンス(Michael Richard ”Mike” Pence) 国務長官 マイク・ポンペオ(Mike Pompeo) 財務長官 スティーブン・ムニューシン(Steven Mnuchin) 国防長官 ジェームズ・マティス(James Mattis)



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