Certainly, in the search Word, this article was ordered. Just confirm. There were many articles of strange headerTitle. An emergency declaration of the Trump regime is unconstitutional, 16 states sued 2019 February 19 11:14 Destination: San Francisco / U


Certainly, in the search Word, this article was ordered.
Just confirm. There were many articles of strange headerTitle.

An emergency declaration of the Trump regime is unconstitutional, 16 states sued
2019 February 19 11:14 Destination: San Francisco / USA [USA North America]
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An emergency declaration of the Trump regime is unconstitutional, 16 states sued
President Donald Trumph speaks in Miami, Florida (taken February 18, 2019). (c) Jim WATSON / AFP

【February 19 AFP】 (Updated) Donald Trump, US President (Donald Trump) said that it issued a state emergency declaration to uncover the financial resources of the Mexican border wall construction is a constitutional violation, On 18th, filed suit against the Trump regime in the federal district court of California.

The suit was filed in California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Virginia.

California state attorney general Xavier Becerra said that the state and others would intend to file a lawsuit earlier on Monday that the measures of Mr. Trump would lose budgets for military and disaster management.

The 16 states claimed that the Empire Declaration of Trump is in violation of provisions that set Congressional procedures under the Constitution and provisions that prescribe Parliament as the ultimate decision-maker of public funds, seeking injunction There.

Regarding Mr. Trump 's measures, several ruling party and Republican senators also feared that they would be a dangerous precedent by deviating from the president' s authority. (c) AFP



2019年2月19日 11:14 発信地:サンフランシスコ/米国 [ 米国 北米 ]
フロリダ州マイアミで演説するドナルド・トランプ大統領(2019年2月18日撮影)。(c)Jim WATSON / AFP

【2月19日 AFP】(更新)ドナルド・トランプ米大統領Donald Trump)がメキシコ国境の壁建設の財源をねん出するために国家非常事態宣言を出したのは憲法違反だとして、米16州が18日、トランプ政権を相手取りカリフォルニア州の連邦地裁に訴訟を起こした。


 カリフォルニア州のハビア・ベセラ(Xavier Becerra)司法長官はこれに先立ち、トランプ氏の措置によって軍事や災害対策向けの予算が失われる恐れがあるとして、同州などが提訴する意向を示していた。

