

質問者へ応答する。 いいえ。解りません。 理解出来ないから、 彼らも、私のことが理解出来ないのでしょ? ただ、ムカつく女。だからだと言われた。 「私達は、言論を弾圧されてきた。なのに、あの女だけが許されている。 私が描いた作品なのに、あの女の主…


On March 5, NPC 3月5日は、全人代

On March 5, NPCIt may be in a very difficult situation.They aimed at the time when the NPC was held,They is attacking on me.It is hope to be a guideline to anticipate the future,before pursuing Vannon, From March 5th to March 8th, Endo hom…

Shinsyu Otani Buddhist sect and Katsuya Takasu of the relationship. Takasu katsuya is, Shinsyu Otani Buddhist sect of monks. There, a female priest of "Shinsyu Otani Buddhist denomination" who received romance fraud in the same way as Richard. A person

https://www.facebook.com/wakamiyawakami/posts/369071500572032 https://www.facebook.com/search/str/%E7%9C%9F%E5%AE%97%E5%A4%A7%E8%B0%B7%E6%B4%BE/keywords_blended_posts?epa=FILTERS&filters=eyJycF9hdXRob3IiOiJ7XCJuYW1lXCI6XCJhdXRob3JfbWVcIixc…

Mutumi circle 9

Mutumi "A work that woman do not draw.That woman 's family killed himself with a show.My family was killed.That woman is because it is the devil.Anyway, nobody sees this site.Words that woman write is "not a curse."Because it is the work o…

Freemason Worshipful Master Katsuya Takasu ← Search Word Bible written in Hong Kong Chinese(Buddhist sect Shinsyu Otani) romance fraud Nigeria Cameroon  漢語で書かれた聖書(真宗大谷派) ロマンス詐欺 Nigeria カメルーン

https://www.google.com/search?q=Katsuya+Takasu+Freemasonry&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiPoZT_wOngAhVETbwKHYWGD9UQ_AUICSgA&biw=860&bih=619&dpr=1.25 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%AB%98%E9%A0%88%E5%85%8B%E5%BC%A5 Bible …

Trump President Freemasonry? ← Search Word

Is this the US president most like Trump? BBC News-2018/07/05 Mr Trump prefers to liken himself to Andrew Jackson, the seventh US president. ... his career in the 1820s with the Anti-Masonic Party, hawking a paranoid rumour that ruling Fre…

9 circle the Vatican Francis children ← Search Word

How will the Vatican respond to George Pell's guilty verdict? The Age-2019/02/25 Before the verdict was made public, Pell was still officially head of the Vatican's powerful corruption-buster the ... of Cardinals, or the Group of Nine (C-9…

I, by using a system that can medical expenses deduction of Japanese, I am being treated by my mother. 私は、日本人の医療費控除が出来る制度を用いて、 母の治療をしてもらっています。

I, by using a system that can medical expenses deduction of Japanese,I am being treated by my mother.So, the treatment of my mother, have been paid from the Japanese tax.Mutumi's mother and father, The couple receives the pension of the de…

I for bone of the deceased mother in possession. Do you eat the bones of deceased mother?

I for bone of the deceased mother in possession.Do you eat the bones of deceased mother?I want President Trump to judge.They were devil worshipers of the Illuminati.Recently, they finally acknowledged the fact.It is the bone of the decease…

President Trump is seen as a witness who performs a judge on the result of this investigation. Katsuya Takasu is a top executive of Japan Masonic. President Trump is the "Chief Executive Officer" who manages that Takasu Katsuya. Judges from the chief exec

In the matter of the Republic of Korea of the BTS and Jewish organizations collideThe reason that I have investigated"Japanese Takasu Katsuya" is the cause. I have received a protest from QAnon of the United States nationality.It was been …


South Korea is a country where people were founding.However, the Korean Peninsula is my land of the royal family.And the whole land of China was the land of my royal family.I gave it to the people now.It is such a relationship.大韓民国は、…

California Fire 2018/11/6 Kim Wilson South Korean-Americans refused to drink in Korean Airplane, Window Glass Rampage = From the Korean Net there are also calls for improvement of the security system Record china Delivery date: November 9, 2018 (Fri) 12:

California Fire 2018/11/6 Kim Wilson https://www.recordchina.co.jp/b660601-s0-c30-d0058.html https://www.recordchina.co.jp/b654434-s0-c30-d0062.html# South Korean-Americans refused to drink in Korean Airplane, Window Glass Rampage = From t…

Secure Meltdown The development of the main power supply of the spacecraft

Secure MeltdownThe development of the main power supply of the spacecraftResearch on "nuclear fusion reaction" necessary for thatIf you do not start now, the Mars migration plan is over. 安全なMeltdown宇宙船の主電源の開発そのために必要な「…

今日、昼間memoした会話と調査内容 開示する。民には「勅命」だ。

Mutumiが邪魔してくる民話保存。特徴。1,千葉県の民話を全て削除しようとしてくる。Sri Lankaの民らしいね。南India。タミル。何か変わった原語を用いることが多い。発音だけ記憶した。言葉で覚えている専門的な用語。思い出した一部だけだけど、ライオンが…

Mano, what kind of lineage is the family line at all? If South Korea is originated, or 70 years ago, "surname of Mano" is to begin? To respond to the questioner. 真野は、いったい家系は、どこの系譜なんだ? 大韓民国が発祥なら、70年前に「真野の姓」が始まるのか? 質問者へ応答する。

1, The founder of the Clan of Mano is "Clan of Wani". 2, Wang Ren is the beginning of the family of Wani. A Chinese scholar. A person who became the etymology of 'Oni 鬼'. 3, The reason why he was told that he is descended from Xu Fook is …

米ロサンゼルス公立学校の「旭日旗」壁画、消去に「待った」、ケネディ家も反対表明―韓国紙 Record china 配信日時:2018年12月21日(金) 18時50分 米LAの「旭日旗」壁画消去に「待った」、ケネディ家も反対表明 ~「中国人を皆殺しにしてやる!」と言われ通報も、警察は取り合わず―米国 Record china 配信日時:2018年10月20日(土) 9時20分

https://www.recordchina.co.jp/b654848-s0-c30-d0059.html https://www.recordchina.co.jp/b672756-s0-c30-d0127.html https://www.recordchina.co.jp/b663299-s0-c30-d0058.html 「中国人を皆殺しにしてやる!」と言われ通報も、警察は取り...|レコードチ…