
In Kumamoto · Aso city The SDF's truck falls from the road into the forest The driver died 420,000 bullets stacked were scattered December 08, 2017 熊本・阿蘇市で自衛隊のトラックが道路から森林に転落し運転手が死亡 積んでいた銃弾42万発が散乱 2017年12月08日

http://newsplusalpha.net/archives/5576488.html In Kumamoto · Aso cityThe SDF's truck falls from the road into the forestThe driver died420,000 bullets stacked were scatteredDecember 08, 2017 http://ai.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/newsplus/15126828…

応答し辛い質問が、今来ています。 それに応える前に。

A difficult question to respond is coming.Before responding to it. The Japanese government has the recognition that international public opinion has recognition Mano Hiromi is dangerous person .However, international public opinion is tota…

中国人留学生が日本人生徒を凄絶なイジメ 日章学園九州国際高等学校 2018-11-20 18:11:02

https://blog.goo.ne.jp/bb-danwa/e/bcaadbc376c570144369dc956c50539c?fbclid=IwAR1-cJ8KsyXLAIo9FND-AnKyArmzEHtkR6-G8krkMRI2APArZeJKkdz2O94 以下は、引用す。 以前から、この噂は届いていたけれど・・まさか、真実だったとは思いたくなかった。 念の為…

Xu Caihou 徐才厚 and  Guo Boxiong 郭伯雄

American citizens of China andAmerican nationality Koreans andHeadhunting for the spy of the immigrants.Invitation by feeling. Technique of Jiang Zemin.アメリカ国籍の中国人及びアメリカ国籍の韓国人及び移民のスパイ化のためのヘッドハンティン…

The INBOUND? How to identify the city used for INBOUND.

The INBOUND? How to identify the city used for INBOUND.First, the "heart feeling" is important with trading partners.So, in an environment where similar people are easy to gather, crime is concentrated.The analysis method is also important.…

47 prefectures · prefecture · Analysis of the comprehensive character of the prefecture and attitude towards work. 47都道府県別・県民性大図鑑

47の部族が住む国。民族紛争地帯。47部族の争い日本。 In other countries, it has invaded from learning the personality of the tribe of the Japanese."Spoofing" for the Japanese.Such sites are not necessarily operated by Japanese people.他国で…

Hyogo ken - Because of individuality Osaka, Kyoto is regarded as the same personality. 兵庫県民――バラバラ個性ゆえに大阪、京都とひとくくりにされる哀しさ

兵庫県民――バラバラ個性ゆえに大阪、京都とひとくくりにされる哀しさ | プレジデントオンライン Hyogo ken - Because of individuality Osaka, Kyoto is regarded as the same personality. Career 2015.3.7 # Advancement # Annual salary / salary PRESIDE…

Osaka citizenry - Loneliness of work and love affair "The work that makes others  大阪府民――仕事も恋愛も「笑わせてナンボ」の刹那主義

https://president.jp/articles/-/12856 Osaka citizenry - Loneliness of work and love affair "The work that makes others laugh is work"Career 2014.7.1 # Advancement # Annual salary / salary PRESIDENT PLUS May 15, 2013 issue ListShare by emai…

Your post violates the community policy on hate speech Your post will not be displayed to others. Facebook has established these provisions so that discussion on Facebook takes place with respect to each other. あなたの投稿はヘイトスピーチに関するコミュ二ティ規定に違反しています あなたの投稿は

Facebook Your post violates the community policy on hate speech Your post will not be displayed to others. Facebook has established these provisions so that discussion on Facebook takes place with respect to each other. Izumo ImagoMay 12, …

"Heil" of YahooJapan is, after one year of the 2011 and 2012 years, has been in contact with the deliberately against me.And a friend of Heil came up to my house and protested in the garden.YahooJapanの「ハイル」は、この2011年と2012年の一…

riantyan's blog 2011-10-07

http://biei-blog.hatenablog.jp/entry/2011/10/07/174503 riantyan's blog2011-10-07How to spend the last moment with choice motherSnowEdit Before this, care manager came. Through the telephone, I got a bit of an exchange of opinions that did …

riantyan's blog 2011-11-05

http://biei-blog.hatenablog.jp/entry/2011/11/05/140709 riantyan's blog2011-11-05Does that woman hate my mother so much?SnowEdit I do not want to participate. Because the reason is dangerous people that the local residents. Although it may …