
Owner of the NFL champion, Subject to prosecution in prostitution. Patriots' craft suspect 2019 February 23 5:34 Destination: Miami / USA [USA North America]  NFL王者のオーナー、 買春で訴追を受ける。 ペイトリオッツのクラフト容疑者 2019年2月23日 5:34 発信地:マイアミ/米国 [ 米国 北米 ]

NFL王者のオーナー、買春で訴追 ペイトリオッツのクラフト容疑者 写真5枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News Owner of NFL champion, prosecutor for prostitution Patriots' craft suspect2019 February 23 5:34 Destination: Miami / USA [USA North America]Share…

In this state the country will submerge and disappear ... Consider land lifting plan Marshall Islands February 23, 2019 16: 12 Destination: Majuro / Marshall Islands [Marshall Islands Asia / Oceania]  このままでは国が水没して消滅…陸地かさ上げ計画を検討 マーシャル諸島 2019年2月23日 16:12 発信

http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3212552?cx_part=topstory In this state the country will submerge and disappear ...Consider land lifting plan Marshall IslandsFebruary 23, 2019 16: 12 Destination: Majuro / Marshall Islands [Marshall Islands …

India is also affected by the "moonshine" 93 people died, 200 people transported to hospital February 23, 2019 20: 02 Destination: Guwahati / India [India Asia / Oceania] インドでまた「密造酒」による被害 93人死亡、200人が病院へ搬送 2019年2月23日 20:02 発信地:グワハティ/インド [ インド アジア・オセアニア

http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3212568?cx_part=topstory 93 people died of heavy drinking in India again, 200 people transported to the hospitalFebruary 23, 2019 20: 02 Destination: Guwahati / India [India Asia / Oceania]Share this news93 …

Suddenly postponed Nigerian presidential election, voting begins one week behind schedule February 23, 2019 18: 37 Destination: Daura / Nigeria [Nigeria Africa] 突然延期されたナイジェリア大統領選、1週間遅れで投票始まる 2019年2月23日 18:37 発信地:ダウラ/ナイジェリア [ ナイジェリア アフリカ ]

http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3212569?cx_part=topstory Suddenly postponed Nigerian presidential election, voting begins one week behind scheduleFebruary 23, 2019 18: 37 Destination: Daura / Nigeria [Nigeria Africa]Share this newsSuddenly…

Prince of Saudi Arabia Muhammad is a dictatorial route? Update date: December 22, 2018 更新日:2018年12月22日 サウジアラビア ムハンマド皇太子は独裁路線?

https://johoseiri.net/saudiarabia2017/ Prince of Saudi Arabia Muhammad is a dictatorial route? Saudi Arabia planned to make initial public offering (IPO) of state-run oil company Saudi Aramco in the second half of 2018, but this case was c…

When buying Google stock now? Alphabet settlement Update date: February 21, 2019 グーグル株 買い時は今? アルファベット決算 更新日:2019年2月21日

グーグル株 買い時は今? アルファベット決算 - トランプ政権と米国株投資 When buying Google stock now? Alphabet settlement Update date: February 21, 2019 In February 2018 the "suitable temperature market" of the US stock collapsed. After that…


Why is Mano paying attention to agriculture?To respond to the questioner. root. INBOUND.So, in Japan, we are focusing on the "agriculture and migrant workers" in the relationship between the sister cities. なぜ、真野は、農業に着目してるの…

Trump NAFTA renegotiation US VS Canada, Mexico's whereabouts Update date: October 3, 2018 トランプのNAFTA再交渉 米国VSカナダ、メキシコの行方 更新日:2018年10月3日

http://johoseiri.net/entry/2017/08/17/073000/ Trump NAFTA renegotiation US VS Canada, Mexico's whereabouts Update date: October 3, 2018 NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) renegotiation took place five times in 2017 between the Uni…

2016/12/12 12: 00 A man who saved the playing card from debt hell, Wilbur Roth 's life of the next Commerce Secretary Chase Peterson - Withorn, Forbes Staff  2016/12/10 12:00 トランプを借金地獄から救った男、ウィルバー・ロス次期商務長官の人生 Chase Peterson-Withorn , Forbes Staff

https://forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/14531# 2016/12/12 12: 00A man who saved the playing card from debt hell, Wilbur Roth 's life of the next Commerce Secretary Chase Peterson - Withorn, Forbes Staff Writing about millionaires as a memb…

President Bolton aims to renegotiate "one China" Updated date: July 27, 2018  ボルトン大統領補佐官は「一つの中国」再交渉を目指す 更新日:2018年7月27日

http://johoseiri.net/bolton/ President Bolton aims to renegotiate "one China" Updated date: July 27, 2018 In the United States, Mr. John Bolton (Former UN ambassador) was appointed to the presidential assistant officer responsible for secu…

Bankrupt from Trump real estate king, And to the president トランプ 不動産王から破産者、 そして大統領へ

https://johoseiri.net/trump_history/ From trump real estate king to bankrupt, and president President Trump is officially inaugurated on January 20, 2017 (honorific title abbreviation). It is apt to be thought that the playing cards are "d…