

A conversation was heard by the voice of a man, Headache. I go to bed.Before that,But I forgot the content,Certainly she told, "cannabis" and "injection".In order to repatriate by the Republic of Korea of person, he had said that "if there…

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安倍昭恵 大麻 カリフォルニア ← Search Word Akie Abe cannabis California ← Search Word

Mrs. Abe 's wife' s office lurking in the cannabis ban empire worried about danger NEWS post ... https://www.news-postseven.com/archives/20170626_566633.html 2017/06/26 - Abe Aki · Speaking of Prime Minister, is known for his spiritual rem…

Your post violates the community policy on hate speech

https://www.facebook.com/100024075543801/posts/233971367415380/?notif_id=1550969854751994&notif_t=actor_feedback Your post violates the community policy on hate speech Your post will not be displayed to others. Facebook has established the…

勾留 死亡 detention death ← Search Word

https://www.google.com/search?q=%E5%8B%BE%E7%95%99%E3%80%80%E6%AD%BB%E4%BA%A1&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzu6uWwtPgAhVGAogKHZreCY4Q_AUICSgA&biw=1354&bih=683&dpr=1.36 Defendant in charge of detention died Chiba Prison - …

Men defendant death Narita Airport Station in detention 勾留中の男性被告死亡 成田空港署

https://www.chibanippo.co.jp/news/national/567883 Men defendant death Narita Airport Station in detention Send by LINE February 3, 2019 05: 00 | Paid article Narita Airport station ... 【392 characters remaining】 勾留中の男性被告死亡 成田…

Arrested for assault, 39-year-old male deceased during detention Investigate the cause of death, such as injury or holding disease, No noticeable trauma / Kawaguchi Station 2018/12/15 (Sat) 22: 50 delivery 暴行容疑で逮捕、勾留中の39歳男性死亡 けがや持病など死因を調査、目立った外傷はなし/川口署

https://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20181215-00010009-saitama-l11 Arrested for assault, 39-year-old male deceased during detentionInvestigate the cause of death, such as injury or holding disease,No noticeable trauma / Kawaguchi Station 201…

The reason why I am hated by residents of kaizaki is that, Because I am using a sick sickness. 私が海崎の住民から嫌われている理由は、 私が仮病を用いているからです。

The reason why I am hated by residents of kaizaki is that,Because I am using a sick sickness.My illness was diagnosed as lumbar spinal canal stenosis.However, I have been treated for three years, but I will not heal.Moreover, it does not m…

Does Hiromi hate Japan? To respond to the questioner.

Does Hiromi hate Japan?To respond to the questioner. No. Now the position of the gods I think is that it is pathetic.I think patience of the gods is pathetic.I thought the gods were pathetic, so I told them.If not out, the reason why the f…

riantyan's blog 2013-03-09

http://biei-blog.hatenablog.jp/entry/2013/03/09/224833 riantyan's blog2013-03-09Events that happened before my mother passed away last yearMy grandfather, mother, father, and the person I have seenEdit My mother had cancer onset on 17th Se…

riantyan's blog 2012-08-01

http://biei-blog.hatenablog.jp/entry/2012/08/01/213050 riantyan's blog2012-08-01When was it ... Neighbors who struck the window of the house, such as the night went back home in the neighborhoodMy grandfather, mother, father, and the perso…

大声で聞こえた会話 φ(..)メモメモ 聞こえた会話の方角。海崎の住民の声にそっくり。南の方角。Uターンした2世帯。子供が主に、これらの監視してる。その子供の親が、子供を使って監視させてる。親子で結託してる。テロ行為。共謀した組織犯罪。

1,楽しやがって。あの女、Mutumiの親がインターネットの支払いやってることを解ってて!映画視てやがった。 楽しやがって・・ 2,恨みたければ恨めば良いわ。 甲斐のもんの恨みが、真野の一族のやってきたことに関係するんや。。 どれだけ恨んでるか・・・ …

Common point : President of the Trump State of the Union address [speech, message]  共通点:トランプ大統領一般教書演説

http://moribin.blog114.fc2.com/ President of the Trump State of the Union address [speech, message] Category: uncategorized Miscellaneous thoughts | 2019-02-06 18:08トランプ大統領一般教書演説 雑感 | 2019-02-06 18:08 https://johoseiri.net/t…

Presidential card dictation speech 2019-02-06 18:08 | Category: uncategorized  トランプ大統領一般教書演説 雑感 2019-02-06 18:08

http://moribin.blog114.fc2.com/ President of the Trump State of the Union address [speech, message] Category: uncategorized Miscellaneous thoughts | 2019-02-06 18:08トランプ大統領一般教書演説 雑感 | 2019-02-06 18:08 https://johoseiri.net/t…

For the "Japanese of Blog" for hog cholera, It seems the contents future is being collected.  豚コレラに関する「日本語のBlog」について、 今後も内容が収集されているようです。

WINEPブログ Currently there are many terrorists who can read Japanese. So, just in case, please check. All of the information on these sites are collected "in Japanese" 現在、日本語が読めるテロリストは多いです。 なので、念のために、確認し…

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTDS: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) of hog cholera, veterinarian, 2019-02-20 13:36 | Category: uncategorized Embarrassed by pig fader Self-Defense Force consideration to mental of men to completion of killing (February 8

WINEPブログ Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTDS: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) of hog cholera, veterinarian,2019-02-20 13:36 | Category: uncategorized Embarrassed by pig fader Self-Defense Force consideration to mental of men to complet…

11-year-old 100 millisiever suspected of radiation exposure Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear accident 11歳100ミリシーベルト被曝の疑い 福島第一事故で 2019年1月21日22時02分

https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASM1P6F21M1PULBJ012.html 11-year-old 100 millisiever suspected of radiation exposure Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear accident 2019 January 21 22 02 Share 1726 Tweet list Bookmark 20 Email printing [PR] Immediately …

Why is the standard exceeding of radioactive cesium of soybeans and red beans continued 2012-12-19 21:16  なぜ大豆や小豆の放射性セシウムの基準超えが続くのか 2012-12-19 21:16 |

http://moribin.blog114.fc2.com/blog-entry-1583.html "Radioactive contamination of frogs in Iitate village"| Home |Why is the standard exceeding of radioactive cesium of soybeans and red beans continued2012-12-19 21:16 | Category: uncategor…

A simple way to take "Azuki" food ingredients to excrete radioactivity everyday! ! Detox & beauty also 放射能を排泄する食材『あずき』を簡単に毎日とる方法!!デトックス&美容にも

http://v0f6iltj.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-24.html A simple way to take "Azuki" food ingredients to excrete radioactivity everyday! ! Detox & beauty also After nuclear accident, when purchasing foods, the situation of production area and poll…

Removal of radioactivity in the body Food (supplements and others) February 24, 2019 (Sun) 体内放射能の除去食品(サプリメントほか) 自分で行う放射能被曝対策

http://watagonia.com/radioactivity/jyokyo.html Removal of radioactivity in the body Food (supplements and others)February 24, 2019 (Sun)Measures against Radiation Exposure Top Page> Removal of Radioactivity in the Body 【Rice Bonus】 We ar…

おじちゃんへ 幼い頃、とても奇妙な経験をしています。記憶に有る母は、私には「二人の母親の姿」が見える。どうしてだか、解りません。

私は、小さい頃から、母親についてまわっていた子供でした。 私は、毎年、誕生日会を開いてもらってた。 ケーキの大きなのを毎年買ってもらってた。 私が大好きな食べ物は「おはぎ」「稲荷寿司」「橙なます」 必ず、母は出してくれた。 そして、母は、むしパ…

おじちゃんたちへ そもそも、この大分県竹田市の社長が研究していたSiteが、ハイルから注目されていた。そこから、小山田の一族まで、ここに書かれてるよ。

https://ugaya.jimdo.com/ ウエツフミとウガヤフキアエズ王朝の研究----大分に実在した古代国家---- 弥生時代に大分に実在したウガヤフキアエズ王朝! 大和王朝が成立する前に、 大分を中心に、 ウガヤフキアエズ王朝が存在していた! 別名、「豊国王朝」、…


女の声「6歳から知っているけれど、あの女のことは、昔から腹立たしい性格だった。 それで、甲斐(kai)は大変な目に合った。 甲斐の一族は、真野のあの女を憎んでる」 女の声「pensuが、あの女を狙ってるそうだわ。 奥さん居たんじゃないの? 不倫関係?」 …

Cameroon ← Search Word Facebook


Révolte et répression dans les régions anglophones Déliquescence du pouvoir camerounais

Déliquescence du pouvoir camerounais, par Christine Holzbauer (Le Monde diplomatique, décembre 2018) 揺れるカメルーン(ル・モンド・ディプロマティーク日本語版) 外交の世界 歓迎 月の数 アーカイブ 見方 ブログ 地図 出版 について ←→>> 2018年12…

Révolte et répression dans les régions anglophones Déliquescence du pouvoir camerounais

https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2018/12/HOLZBAUER/59318 The diplomatic world Home Number of the month Archives Way of seeing blogs Maps Publications About←→>> December 2018, page 13Revolt and repression in the English-speaking regionsDec…

Certainly, February 22, depending on the conversation heard Then I began to investigate the independence of Nigeria and Minas State of Brazil. The conversation that I heard on that 22th, whose moved something.

Certainly, February 22, depending on the conversation heardThen I began to investigate the independence of Nigeria and Minas State of Brazil.The conversation that I heard on that 22th, whose moved something.たしか、2月22日、聞こえた会話に…

Top stories http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3212516?cx_part=topstory

Top stories Suddenly postponed Nigerian presidential election, voting begins one week behind schedule 突然延期されたナイジェリア大統領選、1週間遅れで投票始まる http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3212569?cx_part=topstory Saudi sister who ran a…

Trump President, Syria withdrawal policy Denial of the withdrawal of its policy, controversy from public opinion in the 200 US soldiers remaining in Syria. February 23, 2019 6:50 Origin: Washington D.C./ USA [USA North America Syria Middle East / North Af

http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3212516?cx_part=topstory Trump President, Syria withdrawal policyDenial of the withdrawal of its policy, controversy from public opinion in the 200 US soldiers remaining in Syria.February 23, 2019 6:50 Origi…

Two sisters ran away from family abuse. Saudi born sister, Hidden life in Hong Kong February 23, 2019 21:42 Origin: Hong Kong / China [Hong Kong Asia / Oceania]  家族の虐待から二人の姉妹は逃げ出した。サウジ出身姉妹、 香港で潜伏生活 2019年2月23日 21:42 発信地:香港/中国 [ 香港 アジア・オセアニア ]

家族の虐待から逃げ出したサウジ出身姉妹、香港で潜伏生活 写真10枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News Saudi sister who ran away from abuse of his family, inhuman in Hong KongFebruary 23, 2019 21:42 Origin: Hong Kong / China [Hong Kong Asia / Oceania]Sh…